近五年来,中国科学院行为科学重点实验室左西年研究组,一直致力于毫米级别的人脑局部功能连接研究,开展了一系列系统性工作[1-4]。9月12日,左西年研究员和姜黎黎副研究员共同在《神经科学家》(The Neuroscientist)期刊发表封面文章(图1),系统回顾并展望了人脑局部功能一致性的相关研究。
[1] Zuo XN*, Xu T, Jiang L, Yang Z, Cao XY, He Y, Zang YF, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. Toward reliable characterization of functional homogeneity in the human brain: Preprocessing, scan duration, imaging resolution and computational space.Neuroimage. 2013; 65: 374-386.
[2] Zuo XN* and Xing XX*. Test-retest reliabilities of resting-state FMRI measurements in human brain functional connectomics: A systems neuroscience perspective.Neurosci Biobehav Rev.2014; 45:100-118.
[3] Jiang L, Xu T, He Y, Hou XH, Wang J, Cao XY, Wei GX, Yang Z, He Y, Zuo XN*. Toward neurobiological characterization of functional homogeneity in the human cortex: Regional variation, morphological association and functional covariance network organization.Brain Struct Funct. 2015; 220: 2485-2507.
[4] Jiang L, Xu Y, Zhu XT, Yang Z, Li HJ, Zuo XN*. Local-to-remote cortical connectivity in childhood and adulthood schizophrenia.Transl Psychiatry. 2015; 5: e566.
[5] Jiang L*, Zuo XN*. Regional homogeneity: A multi-modal, multi-scale neuroimaging marker of the human connectome.Neuroscientist. 2016; 22(5): 486-505.
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